
The library is for everyone’s enjoyment. The following guidelines for patron conduct are essential to ensure respect for individuals who use this public facility:

Definition of Problem Behavior

Problem behavior is any behavior which either consciously or unconsciously violates or restricts the rights of patrons or staff to use the library.

General Library Behavior Guidelines

The Ogunquit MemorialLibrary supports the rights of all individuals to:

● Use the library without discrimination

● Receive friendly, courteous and respectful service

● Have free and equal access to information

● Have a clean, comfortable and pleasant environment

● Use the library undisturbed without threat of harm, invasion of property, or interference

Acts of Intimidation:

Abusive language, racially or sexually harassing comments, threatening language, hitting, pushing, stalking, staring, or lurking. This applies to patron-to-patron interactions as well as patron-to-staff interactions.

Audio Equipment:

Playing audio equipment so that others can hear it is not allowed. Headphones may be borrowed for use in the library.

Baby Carriages:

Baby carriages and strollers should be left outside in the designated “Stroller Parking” area. Please do not block the steps or the entry and exit of the library.


Bicycles must be parked in designated areas outside the building. A bicycle rack is located in the front of the building.

Borrowing Policy:

The library has a “Borrowing Policy” in effect for the Ogunquit Memorial Library as well as the libraries used for inter library loan. Items circulate for a period of two weeks and must be returned to the library in an acceptable condition to be available to other borrowers. Refer to the “Borrowing Policy” for full details.

Cell Phones:

As a courtesy to other library users, patrons entering the library with a cell phone, pager, or similar electronic device should turn the device off or set it to a non-audible signal (flashing light, vibration, etc.) If your conversation becomes disruptive you may be asked to move your conversation to the entrance lobby.


Children 8 years of age or younger must not be left unattended in the library. The library staff cannot be responsible for minor children who are unsupervised. For behavioral, safety and security reasons, and the comfort of other patrons, parents/guardians/or assigned chaperones must keep their young children (8 years of age or younger) within their sight. Parents/guardians are responsible and liable for their children’s actions including any damage to property.


Shirts and shoes must be worn in the library. Exposed swimsuits are not allowed.

Daily Closing:

Patrons are responsible for knowing the closing time for that day. Personal belongings left in the library at closing time will be locked in the building until the library is next open to the public.


Those who damage or deface library materials or property will be prosecuted. Parents are liable for damage done by a child under the age of eighteen.


Loud talking, raucous laughter, offensive language, or otherwise engaging in disruptive behavior is not allowed. Running or playing physically active games at the library is also not permitted, unless these activities are part of a library-sanctioned program.

Drugs and Alcohol:

Drugs and alcohol are prohibited on library property; alcohol may be allowed at certain approved library functions.


Building entrances and exits may not be blocked.

Food and Drink:

For health and cleanliness reasons, no food is allowed in the building except for special events sponsored by the Board of Trustees, or employees of the Ogunquit Memorial Library. Beverages in covered containers are allowed.

Library Furniture (Misuse of):

In order to maintain clean and attractive library facilities and furniture, it is forbidden to sit on tables, place feet on furniture, move furniture, lie on floors, or to deface walls. Patrons should sit one to a chair.


Loitering on library property is not allowed. This rule requires staff to exercise discretion with regard to what is considered unacceptable loitering behavior. In general, the determining factor will be whether the offending party prevents others from enjoying the library and its environs.


Gatherings and meetings are not allowed without a proper arrangement with the director.

Personal property:

Patrons are responsible for their property. The library staff cannot guarantee the security of valuables. Care must be taken to keep the floor clear for the safe passage of others.


Certified service animals and guide dogs are allowed in the library at all times. Well-behaved dogs on a leash under the control of the owner are allowed in the library. If other patrons are disturbed by the dog, the patron will be asked to take the dog outside. Certified Therapy Dogs are allowed in the library for specific library programs under the approval of the Library Director or his/her designee. Unattended animals outside the building are not permitted; the town’s Animal Control Officer may be called.


Our facilities are limited. Public restrooms are available at the police station/Dunaway Center, Jacobs parking lot, and Perkins Cove. Misusing the restroom (e.g. using them as a laundry or washing facility, or defacing the walls) is not allowed.


Running is not allowed in the library building.


Habitual sleepers, noisy sleepers and those who are sprawled on furniture or the floor in a manner that is disturbing to other persons will be asked to leave.


Solicitations and petitions are not allowed on library property. Surveys, questionnaires, or any other research projects may be conducted only with the approval of the Library Director.

Staff Only Areas:

Patrons are not allowed to enter areas posted “Staff Only” without proper authorization from the Library Director or their designee. These areas include but may not be limited to, any staff work area, the tower, storage areas, and the mechanical areas of the building.


Threatening behavior, including, but not limited to, violence, and threats of violence.

Tobacco & Vaping:

Smoking, and the use of tobacco and vaping products are prohibited on library property. Electronic cigarettes are also prohibited.

Expulsion from Building and Suspension of Library Privileges: It is a charge of the library staff to see that the rights of individuals to use the library are upheld. The staff is obligated to enforce these guidelines so that the facility can be used to the fullest by all persons. Engaging in any of the above behaviors may result in one or more of the following consequences at the discretion of the Library Director, depending on the severity of the violation: initial warning; given a copy of the Behavior Policy; library privileges suspended for seven days; library privileges suspended for thirty days; library privileges suspended for up to one year. Patrons who are suspended from the library for a period exceeding one day may petition to have their suspension reviewed by the Director, and then by the library’s Board of Trustees.

Approved by the Library Board of Trustees: September 2019

Reviewed and Amended: September 14, 2023