AuthorTitleCall Number
Bartz, JuliaThe writing retreat : a novelFIC BAR
Benedict, MarieThe Mitford affair : a novelFIC BEN
Black, CaraNight flight to ParisFIC BLA
Freedland, JonathanThe escape artist : the man who broke out of Auschwitz to warn the world940.531 FRE
Garmus, BonnieLessons in chemistryLP FIC GAR
Gilpin, BettyAll the women in my brain : and other concerns818.603 GIL
Goldin, MeganStay awake a novelFIC GOL
Greaney, MarkBurnerFIC GRE
Holmes, RupertMurder your employer : the McMasters guide to homicideFIC HOL
Jance, Judith A.Collateral damage an Ali Reynolds mysteryFIC JAN
Lewis, DamienAgent Josephine : American beauty, French hero, British spy792.802 LEW
Meltzer, BradThe Nazi conspiracy : the secret plot to kill Roosevelt, Stalin, and Churchill940.531 MEL
Moyes, JojoSomeone else’s shoesFIC MOY
Reyes, AnaThe house in the pines : a novelFIC REY
Slaughter, KarinThe good daughterFIC SLA
Taylor, BradThe devil’s ransom : a Pike Logan novelFIC TAY
Wachtel, Shirley RussakA castle in Brooklyn : a novelFIC WAC
Weiss, Andrew S.Accidental czar : the life and lies of Vladimir Putin947.086 WEI
Worsley, LucyAgatha Christie : an elusive woman823.912 WOR
Childrens Books
Barnett, MacThree Billy Goats GruffE BAR
Denise, ChristopherKnight OwlE DEN
Eady, AntwanNigel and the MoonE EAD
Snider, GrantOne boy watchingE SNI