LocationAuthorTitleCall Number
NewBrooks, Arthur C.Build the life you want : the art and science of getting happier158 BRO
NewSmith, Sally BedellGeorge VI and Elizabeth : the marriage that saved the monarchy941.084 SMI
NewArcher, JeffreyTraitors gateFIC ARC
NewCarr, JackSavage son : a thrillerFIC CAR
NewGroff, LaurenThe vaster wildsFIC GRO
NewKim, AngieHappiness falls : a novelFIC KIM
NewKwok, JeanThe leftover woman : a novelFIC KWO
NewKyles, CedricFlipping boxcars : a novelFIC KYL
NewMannion, UnaTell me what I am : a novelFIC MAN
NewMcCarten, AnthonyGoing zero : a novelFIC MCC
NewReichs, KathyThe bone hackerFIC REI
NewSandford, JohnJudgement preyFIC SAN
NewWalker, MartinA chateau under siegeFIC WAL
NewWard, CatrionaLooking glass soundFIC WAR
NewWendig, ChuckBlack river orchard : a novelFIC WEN
NewWoods, StuartObsession : a Teddy Fay novelFIC WOO
ChildrenGorman, AmandaSomething, somedayE GOR
ChildrenMedina, JuanaElena ridesE MED