Hard to Kill
The Quarry Girls
The Sicilian Inheritance
Let Us Descend
The Pillars of the Earth
When the Sea Came Alive

Cynthia Reid Armbruster & Howard Joseph Reid Memorial Gift Collection.

Upcoming Events

September Book Club

Third Tuesday of the Month

10:30-11:30 am

Ogunquit History Group

Wednesday, September 18


This group meets monthly to document the formal and informal history of Ogunquit. Bring your knowledge and memories and join the discussion.

This month’s topic: “When Ogunquit Was a Dry Town- Those Famous House Parties”

Saturday, September 21


Sweet Stitches is a crafting group for knitting, crochet, sewing, cross stitch, and other fiber arts. Join us and bring a project you are currently working on or a finished object o share and begin a new one.

The group also works with The Warming Project, an organization looking for crafters to make blankets, scarves, mittens, hats, and socks for the unsheltered on the seacoast. Yarn can be provided for this if you have the skills but not the materials. Yarn donations will be accepted as well.

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