Winter Hours Coming in October
The library will switch to winter hours on October first. We will be closed on Mondays.
October 1st to May 31st
9am to noon & 12 – 5pm, closed Sunday, Monday & Holidays
The library will switch to winter hours on October first. We will be closed on Mondays.
October 1st to May 31st
9am to noon & 12 – 5pm, closed Sunday, Monday & Holidays
The Mullen family has donated a stove to the library. This electric fireplace insert will make a cozy addition to the reading area in front of the fireplace. The faux flames can flicker without turning on the heat in the summer. Here are some photos of the new stove.
The Internet Safety Policy was adopted by the Board of Ogunquit Memorial Library at a public meeting, following normal public notice, on August 26,2020.
This public hearing is held to address a proposed technology protection measure (a filter) and our Internet safety policy. If you would like to participate in the hearing, here is the Zoom link information below:
David Weare, the director of the Ogunquit Memorial Library, is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Public Hearing regarding our Internet Safety Policy on August 26 from 5-6 PM
Time: Aug 26, 2020 04:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) The meeting starts at 5:00. You can login after 4:30 to check your mic and audio, and your video.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 820 6370 1913
Dial by your location
1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
Meeting ID:820 6370 1913
The Ogunquit Memorial Library provides computer resources, including Internet and wireless access, to implement its goal of providing information to people of all ages in the community to further the pursuit of educational, personal and recreational interests. In keeping with principles found in the Library Bill of Rights, Access to Electronic Information Services and Networks, and the Freedom to Read Statement, the Ogunquit Memorial Library provides equal access to all. Responsibility for the use of any library computer rests with the person using it. Responsibility for the use of a library computer by anyone under the age of 18 rests with the parent/guardian. The Internet is an unregulated medium that does not necessarily contain accurate, complete or current information. The Internet may contain pornographic, disturbing or illegal information or copyrighted material. The library has no control over and does not monitor access to or use of information available on the Internet. Patrons using library computers or computer systems must use them in a responsible manner, respecting the rights of others and taking care of the equipment. Computer users are liable for any damage done to the equipment or software. The Ogunquit Memorial Library is committed to providing an environment free from any harassment. Patrons are expected to avoid displaying on the screen material that may be objectionable to other patrons and staff members. Please be considerate of other users and library staff and patrons. Patrons use the library’s computer resources at their own risk. Loss of a patron’s time, work or property shall not be the responsibility of the library for any reason. The library staff does not provide in-depth support for computer users and may not have time to assist patrons in setting up e-mail accounts.
B. Use of Computers in the Library
Patrons are not allowed to use any of the library’s computers or computer resources for fraudulent, unlawful or malicious purposes, including but not limited to:
• Sending, receiving, printing or displaying any text or graphics that are legally defined by State of Maine law as “obscene” or “child pornography.” (For more information see ME Revised Statutes Annotated Statute Title 17, Section 2911 (dissemination of obscene matter to minors) and Title 17-A section 281 et seq.;)
• Transmission of unlawful material
• Unauthorized access, disclosure, use or dissemination of personal identification information
• Attempting to violate computer system security or software license agreements
• Spamming
• Unauthorized entry to any computer
• Knowingly transmitting viruses, worms, or any other malicious programs or codes.
• Harassment of an individual, business entity or group of individuals
• Denial of service attacks
• Violation of copyright laws
C. For further Assistance
Please ask a librarian for assistance if you need help.
Approved by the Library Board of Trustees: 09/12/2018
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